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Student Innovation Idea Labs
Helping People Relearn to Be Creative

 All people start off as creative, curious creatures who love to learn.  As we grow we tend to forget how to use those strengths to find joy in life.  The Student Innovation Idea Labs (SIIL) provide students with the space and instruction to be creative and innovative and reconnect with their natural growth-oriented mindset.  Participants can experience our programming through the Bronco Startup Challenge (BSC), the Innovator's Harvest, the Bronco Makers Guild, as a Student Ambassador, or through our self-guided Badging program recognizing both creators and entrepreneurs. 

Supporting the Student Innovation Idea Labs help students develop a creative, growth mindset while giving them skills to adapt to the future of work!

Early Bird Match #1
The Bronco Fund will match up the first $2,500 given to any campaign on Day 1 (April 19 starting at 9 am), up to $250 per donor.
$2,500 MATCHED
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at givingday@cpp.edu.