The Undocumented Students Services supports the holistic success (academic, personal, professional) of undocumented students at Cal Poly Pomona. Its purpose is to educate the community about current issues and to convene campus allies in a dialogue of student success. By donating to the Undocumented Students Services, you will contribute to on-going programs and student staffing.
This scholarship was started with a goal to help all students receive a quality and equal education regardless of their immigration status. With the will of one student, then president of the Mexican American Student Association--Ricardo Ortega, and support from his family and friends the scholarship was started in the spring of 2006. Now his dream continues gaining support from Cal Poly Pomona administrators and students alike, who see the strength and importance of this scholarship and share its initial goal. By contributing to the Dream Scholarship, you will help fund the tuition of undocumented students.